Thursday, September 12, 2013

Last weekend I made the 2.5 hour trip up north to Park Point in Duluth.  I was hoping to see a Jaeger or something unique.  But upon arrival I knew that would not be the case as the lake was like glass.  It was actually a beautiful day in the mid 80s but not so good for birding.  Warblers other than Palm were few and far between.  But there were a few shorebirds so I put the ATX95 through its first paces with birds.  I got some decent shots of Semi Palmated Plover, Black Bellied Plover, and Sanderlings.  You only have early morning on the weekends to make hay on a nice day as the beach fills up quickly with beach combers and the like.  As well as the plethora of people who seem to think that the leash law does not apply to them when they arrive on the beach.  And their dog chases the shorebirds.  Would be nice to see this nipped in the bud at some point but I am not holding my breath.

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