Monday, March 3, 2014

California Dreaming

Winter in the Midwest has been brutal to say the least.  To the point where you almost have to laugh!  We took a quick trip out to San Jose on my birthday weekend to see my beloved Blackhawks, see some birds, and feel the warmth.  Below are some of the birds I was able to photograph via my digiscoping system.  The California Thrasher was a life bird for us so we were very excited to see two right by the road in the park south of Monterey.  The kite was a photo taken in low light at a little over 100 yards away….hence the poor image quality.  Hopefully the weather will break and I will be able to get out more.  And I have a trip to South Texas schedule for April so I will be digiscoping like a mad man at that time.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Out and About

I took a drive last week to see if there was anything 'special' to be found around here.  besides snowy owls…..not much.  so I took a few images of the Tree Sparrows and Cedar Waxwings.  It is one of the few sunny days where it is not brutally cold here in Minnesota in January.